• 03Jul

    Funding announcement for domestic violence – is it about violence against women or another chance to vilify other cultures?

    Last week the Federal Government announced $100 million dollars to address violence against women and children.
    A most welcome announcement.


    There is some sad irony that  this announcement is being made when women’s shelters in NSW are closing down due to lack of funding – and the Queensland government are planning to do the same.

    SOSwomen's services


    Nevertheless it is good news that the major focus of the new funding is on developing and testing

    “a prototype for a National Domestic Violence Order (DVO) Scheme, to strengthen the identification and enforcement of DVOs across state and territory borders.”


    This is indeed important news.

    How then is this being reported in the media?

    The media focus has been on forced marriages and genital mutilation.

    These are certainly serious and concerning issues, although not reflective of the media release from the Government.

    The Australian started this way:

    “PROTECTION against genital mutilation is one of the measures to safeguard women under a new $100 million domestic violence plan announced by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.”

    Further down in the report Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews

    “We need to respond to harmful cultural practices in woman and their children.”

    The other focus of media coverage is on women with disabilities, women from culturally diverse backgrounds and indigenous women.
    It certainly is true that these women do have additional barriers within the current system in achieving safety from violence. (For more information about these barriers check out Women’s Safety After Separation website under Violence and Abuse).
    For example, women who come to Australia on temporary visas to either partner with an Australian man, or with a partner who is also on a temporary visa do find it difficult to separate from an abusive man, given their temporary visa status. Developing better systems to help these women and lessen the barriers to safety is worthwhile.

    There is always a dilemma when reporting on male abuse of indigenous women, migrant women and women from culturally diverse backgrounds.
    It can feed into racism and cultural imperialism.


    We risk sending out the wrong message

    – that domestic violence is not a problem for white middle-class Australians

    – that the problem lies in ‘other’ cultures – in cultures that not our norm.


    I am suspicious that these headlines perpetuate this myth and feed into racism that is far too evident in Australia today.

    And I wonder if this is a deliberate tactic on the part of the government and mainstream media.
    The Coalition Government’s Immigration policy certainly points to the racism and cultural imperialism that exists.

    And a news report from February 17, 2011 tends to confirm the tactics of the Coalition government, where the suggestion is that Mr Morrison is trying to pursue an anti-Muslim political strategy.


    In NSW, under Going Home, Staying Home reforms, women-only refuges are being given to other organizations, most of them large religious charities:

    “The other big change is that the ”big four” religious charities (Salvation Army, Mission Australia, Wesley Mission and St Vincent de Paul) are now the main non-government providers of services for homeless people. Of the $16 million handed out for inner-city services, $11 million has gone to the big four via an invitation-only tender process, according to a document prepared by a women’s services advocate. Another person close to the scene has calculated that 62 per of the tenders have gone to these charities, either as lead agencies or as partners.” Anne Summers


    So let’s put them together

    • anti-Muslim strategies,
    • a focus on “other cultural practices” in relation to domestic violence,
    • and women’s shelters in NSW being run by large Christian organisations.


    What is the real agenda here?

    Suspicions about the Liberal-National party’s statements about addressing domestic violence are also confirmed when we see the budget cuts and their impacts on women.

    Cutting support to single mothers, cuts to women’s legal services and GP co-payment are all strategies which will reduce women’s abilities to escape from violent relationships.

    Senator Larissa Waters from the Greens in her media release has stated:

    “… the proposed budget cuts were “insensitive” to victims of domestic violence and could trap women in these violent relationships by cutting support for single parents and women’s legal services, and the GP co-payment would mean women in violent relationships may not be able to see their doctors without their partners knowing.”

     “The Abbott Government’s abolition of the National Rental Affordability Scheme will force women back into violent homes and increase the pressure on already under-funded women’s shelters.”

    The Greens have initiated a senate inquiry into domestic violence.


    You can understand my skepticism that this current government is serious about bring about any significant change for women subjected to male violence.

  • 16May


    Friday 16 May 2014 – for immediate release

    Federal Budget exposes more funding cuts as A-G Brandis stops community legal centres speaking out on unfair laws and practices

    The Federal Budget has exposed a further $6 million in cuts from community legal centres in 2017/18 beyond the deep $43.1m cuts to legal assistance services announced last December. The government is also set to stop community legal centres engaging in valuable law reform and systemic advocacy using Commonwealth funds.

    “These cuts fly in the face of overwhelming demand. Community legal centres already report having to turn away one in five people needing their help. These cuts will see even more people turned away – people who cannot afford a private lawyer and have nowhere else to go for legal help with serious problems such as family violence, workplace mistreatment, homelessness, eviction, relationship breakdown and debt,” said Community Law Australia Chair, Liana Buchanan, today.

    “Contrary to statements from the Federal Government, these cuts are directed at frontline services. Having to close outreach offices and stop providing family violence support lawyers at court are just some of the actions centres will have to take because of these cuts.

    “As well as biting deeply into frontline services to address serious legal problems, these cuts wind back some welcome expansions into areas where free legal help has been unavailable. They will worsen the postcode injustice that has too long affected people in regional Australia.

    “When conservative estimates tell us half a million Australians miss out on the legal help they need each year, cutting community legal assistance is a callous and false economy. The economic cost benefit analysis of community legal centres shows for every dollar spent by government, centres return an economic benefit of $18 (see below for link).

    “These cuts have nothing to do with efficiency and everything to do with saving quick money at the expense of an unacceptable legal risk to the disadvantaged.

    “As well as cutting frontline services, the government also plans to amend service agreements to stop community legal centres from working to change unfair laws, policies and practices that impact their clients.

    “Through the thousands of people they see each year, community legal centres are uniquely placed to see how laws and the legal system impact the community. Working to address broader barriers to justice through advice and submissions to government, education campaigns, test cases and public advocacy is a critical part of community legal centres’ work.

    In many instances, law reform and systemic advocacy is quite simply the most efficient and effective way a community legal centre can stop legal problems in the future and help more than just their individual clients.

    The restrictions on community legal centres come as the recent Productivity Commission draft report on access to justice places advocacy at the core of what community legal centres should do, explicitly recognising the efficiency and community benefit of law reform and systemic work. (see pp.624-5).

    “We need fair and workable laws, and fair access to legal help regardless of whether you can afford to pay a private lawyer. The funding cuts and effective gagging of community legal centres completely undermine that goal, and they worsen the access to justice crisis already faced by many Australians,” Ms Buchanan concluded.

    Background information

    Draft Productivity Commission Report on Access to Justice Arrangements


    MYEFO cuts to legal assistance services



    Cost-benefit analysis of community legal centres


    To arrange a media interview or for further information, please contact Darren Lewin-Hill on 0488 773 535. www.communitylawaustralia.org.au <https://www.communitylawaustralia.org.au>