• 16May

    So what did Christopher Pyne call Bill Shorten in the Australian Parliament?
    Well watch the video and decide for yourself.
    But is this what we would expect from Australian politicians?
    Are we surprised by this?
    Here are some examples of the Liberal National Coalition when they were faced with a female prime minister in the last parliament.

    • Mr. Abbott: “Are you suggesting to me that when it comes from Julia, ‘No’ doesn’t mean ‘No’?”
    • Joe Hockey “Wayne Swan is to surpluses what Paris Hilton is to celibacy”.
    • Bill Heffernan [re the PM] “I mean anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren …”
    • Convoy of No Confidence with the famous photos of 3 Liberal MPs including Mirabella, Bishop the elder and Tony Abbott, in front of signs –“Ditch the witch” –“ Bob Brown’s bitch”.

    ditch the witch

    But this isn’t just about misogyny in the Liberal National Coalition government.
    It reflects the misogyny evident in Australian society.
    It is this kind of disrespect, misogyny and sexist, abusive language which is at the core of male violence against women; rape and sexual assault; harassment and abuse of women.
    Where is the public outrage about this?

    Where is the public condemnation of this behavior and blatant sexism?

    Why isn’t this major headline in every major media outlet in Australia?
    Enough is enough!

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